Friday, October 5, 2012

Force all Oracle EBS users to change their password


Note: 414976.1 – How To Force All Applications Users To Change Their Password?

We might have the requirement to force all EBS users to change their passwords due to some requirement.

run sql Script like below or same you can achieve by submitting concurrent request

sqlplus -s APPS/apps; @AFCPEXPIRE.sql
Submit concurrent request: CP SQL*Plus Expire FND_USER Passwords

Above script sets the fnd_user.password_date to null for all users which causes all user passwords to expire. It can also be run as a SQL*Plus concurrent program.  The user will need to create a new password upon the next login.

apt-key warning when sudo apt update run

Issue: apt-key warning when sudo apt update run Update below file: cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/download_docker_com_linux_ubuntu.list ...