Saturday, November 3, 2012

Cleaning up the FND_NODES Table


Note: 260887.1 – How to Clean Nonexistent Nodes or IP Addresses From FND_NODES

Why we need to clean FND_NODES table post cloning?

Because this table contains the IP Addresses of the source servers (apps and db) and when you clone your target servers have different IP Addresses, and this need to be populated in FND_NODES table.

Select the current value

set linesize 160
col NODE_NAME for a30
col SERVER_ADDRESS for a16
select SERVER_ADDRESS, node_name, node_mode, support_cp, support_web, support_admin,support_forms from FND_NODES;

From sqlplus execute the following command:


This deletes data from a few FND tables such as FND_NODES but after AutoConfig has been executed they will contain the correct values.

Run AutoConfig on Database and Application Servers.

apt-key warning when sudo apt update run

Issue: apt-key warning when sudo apt update run Update below file: cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/download_docker_com_linux_ubuntu.list ...